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Annonce exclusive Gens de Confiance

Fairy Shopping, Sally Gardner

Livres, Films & Disques
Paris (75005)

3 €

Chers Gens de Confiance,

Fairy Shopping, Sally Gardner
Book in english
Livre en anglais
Ouvrage féérique, merveilleux, parfait pour préparer les enfants à l’ambiance de Noël
Très bien pour l’apprentissage de l’anglais !

Take a walk through streets lined with fairy shops and bustling with shoppers - among them giants and elves, dragons, frogs and princesses. The text points out such shops as Sparks & Twinkle (wands and wings), Hubble Bubble (ingredients for the cauldron), Twinkletoes (dancing shoes), Hats for Cats, Whoopsadaisy the flower shop, Dragon Dreams, where pets can choose their owners, Blossom’s dress shop and Miss Prism’s, where you can buy your wishes gift-wrapped. There are tiny windows to peer into, shop names and advertisements to read, interiors to explore, cafes where Mr Wolf has his breakfast fry-up and the fairies meet for elevenses, a market with stalls selling magic lamps and fairy bric-a-brac. And as dusk falls, you can see all the fairies going home laden with their purchases. With exquisite drawings packed with detail and washed with ravishing translucent colours, Fairy Shopping has oodles of charm and the wit and originality that characterises all Sally Gardner’s work.

Annonce publiée  28/11/2024

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